Celebrating Ukrainian Christmas

Christmas in Ukraine

Clever Hedgehog loves Christmas! And what about you?

Christmas is celebrated all over the world. 

Last year, Clever Hedgehog talked a lot on how Christmas is celebrated in Ukraine and what Christmas traditions exist there.

This year, Clever Hedgehog celebrates Christmas according to Ukrainian traditions! Let’s join him!

What is Christmas and what traditions of celebrating Christmas exist in Ukraine – Read this article

Decorating a Christmas Tree

Clever Hedgehog decorated the Christmas tree with colorful garlands, glass baubles, stars, and handmade Christmas tree decorations he made from fruit and paper.

Clever Hedgehog made a beautiful paper Christmas tree ornament, and you can do one too – download the template here.

саморобка прикраса на ялинку з паперу

Caroling – Kolyadki

On Christmas day, Ukrainians sing Christmas carols (Koliadki). The ancient Ukrainian tradition of caroling is called kolyaduvannya (Ukrainian колядування). Carolers walk from house to house greeting and wishing people the best for the next year, and receiving treats in return. 

Clever Hedgehog has learned a few Ukrainian carols and famous winter songs and is going to sing carols too.


Walking in the Winter Wonderland 

Winter songs for kids – Songbook DOWNLOAD
Різдвяна зірка

Christmas Star

The Christmas star is one of the symbols of Ukrainian caroling, the symbol of light, the sun, and represents the star of Bethlehem, which illuminated the birthplace of Jesus. The star has 8 or more rays and is an important attribute of the Christmas nativity scene.

Clever Hedgehog colored his Christmas Star and you can color one too – download the coloring page here.

Різдвяний Дідух


Besides the Christmas tree, Ukrainian culture has another Christmas symbol – Didukh. It was made from rye or wheat and decorated with dried flowers and sweets.

Clever Hedgehog couldn’t make a didukh himself, so he looked for it at the Christmas market.

Christmas “Spider”

A Christmas “spider” is a traditional decoration of a home in Ukraine for Christmas and New Year holidays. They are hung on a window or under the ceiling. Traditionally, they were made of straw or reeds.

But Clever Hedgehog couldn’t find any straw for weaving, so he used straws for juice. Watch how to weave a “spider” in the video:

Festive table and Christmas dishes

According to Ukrainian tradition, on Christmas Eve, the whole family gathers at the table for the Holy Supper. For hundreds of years, Ukrainians have followed the rule of serving 12 simple Lenten dishes, since Jesus was born into a poor family, and his birth took place in an ordinary stable where cattle were kept.

Clever Hedgehog prepared traditional dishes such as:

  • Kutia is a dish made from grain, honey and poppy seeds, served first on the table.
  • Christmas kalach is a Christmas bread, braided and connected into a ring.
  • Varenyky are dumplings filled with potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms or fruit.
  • Uzvar is a drink that can only be tasted in Ukraine, made from smoked dried fruits and berries.

Fun activities with Clever Hedgehog

Let’s get ready for Christmas and New Year

Arts and Crafts ideas that will help create a festive mood and prepare for the celebration of Christmas and the New Year

Winter Riddles for Kids

Where does a polar bear keep its money?

In snow bank

What do you get when you cross a snowman and a shark?

A frostbite

What do you call a snowman in summer?

A puddle

I can be round, white, and shaped like a ball. Yet, I cannot be dribbled or bounced at all. What am I? 

A snowball

Find and Count all gift boxes and stars

HINT: there is the same number of gift boxes and stars as the number montes in a year

8 gift boxes: under the Christmas tree, in the cat’s house, in the snowman’s house, on the sofa, on the shelf.

4 stars: on the tree, on the pillow, on the shelf

Winter Fun Activities Pack

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Free Printable PDF

Fun fall activities with Clever Hedgehog
Fun fall activities with Clever Hedgehog

Christmas gift card with Pop Up Tree

Paper Christmas Candle

Christmas Card

Saint Nicholas Day (Sviatyi Mykolai Day)

Clever Hedgehog wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025!

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Saint Nicholas Day Fun With Clever Hedgehog

Winter is full of magical holidays celebrated in Ukraine and around the world! In Ukraine, we enjoy St. Nicholas Day (December 6 and 19), Christmas (December 25 and January 7), and New Year’s Eve (December 31). Around the globe, people celebrate other holidays like Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and the Chinese New Year! Each holiday has its special traditions, like decorating trees, lighting candles, or giving gifts. 

🌟Let’s get ready for the holidays together with Clever Hedgehog!

Winter is here and the first holiday of winter is St. Nicholas Day!

Seasonal changes in nature in winter

Have you ever wondered how nature prepares for winter? Animals like bears and hedgehogs hibernate, birds fly to warmer places, and trees “sleep,” waiting for spring. The world turns into a sparkling wonderland, covered with snow and frost! ❄️🌲

Here’s how it happens – read in the book “Here Comes Winter!”

What surprises does winter bring?

Snowflakes that look like tiny masterpieces, the sound of crunching snow under your boots, and the joy of building snowmen and sledding. Plus, St. Nicholas Day and Christmas are coming soon! It’s time to write your letters, clean your boots, and look forward to the little surprises he leaves behind. 🎁👢

About fun things you can do in winter, read in a fun book “Is It Cold Outside”

What is Saint Nicholas Day? 🎅

Saint Nicholas (our Santa) was a kind man, known for his good deeds and acts of charity. He helps families most in need and is the patron saint of children. 

On the night of December 6, it is believed that Saint Nicholas comes to homes and fills good children’s shoes or stockings with toys and gifts, and they will find them in the morning!

In Ukraine, Saint Nicholas, who is called Sviatyi Mykolai, visits all children during the night as well. Children wait for Sviatyi Mykolai to come and put a present under their pillows. 

Only the kind, nice children receive a treat from Saint Nicholas. The naughty children who do not listen to their parents and teachers may end up only getting a twig or a piece of coal under their pillows. 

This tradition is upheld in many countries to this day.

How about spending winter days? 

Try making snow angels, going ice skating, or drinking hot cocoa with a cinamon toast (recipe here) while reading a favorite book. Don’t forget crafts: like making paper snowflakes or creating your own winter mosaic with natural materials. Winter is a season of fun, creativity, and warm family moments! ⛸️

How can you prepare for the holidays?

Write letters to St. Nicholas, make handmade decorations, or bake cookies with your family. Preparing together makes the holidays even more magical! During celebrations, being with loved ones reminds us of the joy of sharing, laughing, and making memories. Holidays are not just about gifts—they’re about spending time with people who make us happy. 💖 So that’s what we can do:

Why do people give gifts? 

Why do people give gifts? Gifts are a way to show love, care, and gratitude. They remind us that we are important to one another. St. Nicholas Day is the perfect time to think about giving—not only big presents but also small acts of kindness, like a handmade card or helping someone in need. 💖

More for St. Nicholas Day in last year’s issue here>>>


Can You Solve This Puzzle?

Using the code, guess the name of the one who comes to obedient children in winter. The letters intersect horizontally and vertically. Place the correct letters in the baubles. Download the printable PDF file.

Free Coloring Pages and Printables For Kids

Безкоштовні розмальовки для дітей, Історії з Їжачком-Рзумничкомо
Coloring page for kids, Stories with Clever Hedgehog
Coloring page for kids, Stories with Clever Hedgehog

Crafts for Children for St. Nicholas Day

Origami for children for St. Nicholas Day

Origami mittens Christmas tree decoration

Origami Christmas tree

Origami Holiday Gift Box

ORIGAMI St. Nicholas – Santa Claus

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Saint Nicholas Songs | Kids Songs


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tags: St. Nicholas Day, fairy tales about winter, books about winter, winter origami, about St. Nicholas, winter activities for kids

Let’s Celebrate Thanksgiving!

Hello kids! Thanksgiving is here! Let’s celebrate!

If you don’t know what that holiday is, Clever Hedgehog will tell you about it!

Thanksgiving is a special holiday celebrated every year in late November. It’s a day for families and friends to come together, share delicious food, and be thankful for all the good things in their lives. 

Even if Thanksgiving is not celebrated in your country, you still can find things to be grateful for and to celebrate.

What are you thankful for this year? 💖

Read about things Clever Hedgehog is thankful for in the post here >>>

How did Thanksgiving 🥧 start? 

The tradition began hundreds of years ago when early settlers in America held a feast to celebrate their first successful harvest with the Native Americans. Native Americans lived in America long before the new settlers came. They helped the settlers by teaching them how to plant on a new land.

Many countries around the world have their own harvest festivals in autumn to celebrate, too!


Why Thanksgiving is important to a community?

Celebrations like Thanksgiving bring people together. They remind us to be thankful for what we have, share with others, and spend time with family and friends. These celebrations help us feel connected and make our community stronger.

What brings people together into communities?

People come together in communities because they share things like goals, traditions, or values. Helping one another, working together, and celebrating special events make a community feel like a family. 

How do we build good relationships?

Good relationships are built by being respectful and honest, and a good listener and helper. Saying “please” and “thank you” and showing kindness are small ways to make big connections. Instead of being afraid to make friends with new people, we can try to learn about them, listen to their stories, and understand that they are just like us in many ways.

What is a community?

A community is a group of people who live, work, or play together in the same place or share similar goals and interests. It can be your family, school, neighborhood, or even a group of friends who help and care for each other.

What can I do for a common goal?

Thanksgiving is also a wonderful time to think about helping others. Donating food, volunteering, or simply being kind to someone are all great ways to help others. You can help by being part of a team, sharing your ideas, or doing your part to make a project successful. Every small act, like cleaning up, helping someone, or following rules, makes a difference. 💖


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"Read next how Petro lost his toy in "Petro and Marko" story
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Thanksgiving greeting card for kids,
Fun fall activities with Clever Hedgehog
Fun fall activities with Clever Hedgehog
Fun fall activities with Clever Hedgehog

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Easy DIY Thanksgiving Turkey Card

More crafts projects ideas

🦔 How To Make Origami Hedgehog

“Thanksgiving Thanksgiving” song

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Song for Kids – Thanksgiving Alphabet

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Enjoy The Beauty Of The Fall With Clever Hedgehog

Hello kids! Have you seen trees in the park change leaves from green to yellow, brown and red already? This is because the season known as fall, or autumn, has arrived! It brings a lot of changes in weather as it cools down, and nature transforms into a colorful wonderland.

It’s a season that Clever Hedgehog likes the most!

How To Tell When The Fall (Autumn) ☔ Is Here? 

Some special signs tell us the season is changing:

1. The weather gets cooler: You may notice it’s not as hot anymore, and we start wearing sweaters or jackets.

2. Days become shorter and nights longer: You will see the sun set earlier, and it gets dark quicker than in summer.

3. The leaves 🍁 change color and fall to the ground: Leaves on trees turn yellow, orange, and red. They stop being green because the trees get ready to rest for winter. Trees let go of their leaves to save energy in the cold months ahead. Read here why tree leaves turn yellow in the fall >>>

4. Animals 🐰 get ready for winter: Some animals, like squirrels, collect food to keep for the winter. Other animals, like bears, start eating a lot because they will sleep all winter long. Birds fly away to warm countries.

How to tell when the fall (autumn) is here?

How Long Does the Fall Last?

According to the calendar, fall (autumn) lasts 3 months, from September to November in many places. However, the signs of autumn can appear earlier and last longer than the fall days on a calendar.

But in places near the equator (in countries like Ecuador or Singapore), there is no autumn, winter, spring, or summer — it’s warm all year long! After autumn, winter comes!


What do animals 🐰 do in the fall?

Animals prepare for winter in the fall, and each animal does it in its own way. Some animals, such as squirrels 🐿️, gather and hide food – nuts, acorns, and seeds – to have something to eat during the winter.

Bears 🐻 eat a lot in the fall to store fat and then sleep all winter in their warm den. This is called hibernation. During hibernation, the bear does not eat or drink – it rests. Hedgehogs 🦔 hibernate during the winter too to conserve energy.

Birds 🐦‍⬛ fly to warm countries, where they will not be cold, and where they can find a lot of food. This is called migration

Some animals, like foxes 🦊 or hares 🐇, change their fur to be thicker and warmer in the fall so that they don’t get cold in the winter.

What do plants 🪴 do in the fall?

In the fall, plants prepare for the cold winter. The trees are starting to drop their leaves. 🍂

Other plants, such as flowers and grasses, also fall to “sleep” underground, and their seeds wait for spring to grow into new sprouts.


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Autumnal Crafts 

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Free Craft Projects
First day of school Coloring page for kids, Clever Hedgehog in school
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♫ Song about Fall

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♫ Song about Fall in Ukrainian

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How to tell when the fall (autumn) is here?

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Back to School Excitement: A Guide for Kids Starting or Returning to School

The first day of school with clever hedgehog

Did you know that the first day of school in Ukraine is called Knowledge Day? The school year starts in all Ukrainian schools on Knowledge Day on September 1!

The First Day of School is very exciting for all children, especially, for kids who start Kindergarten and Grade 1!  Don’t worry, Clever Hedgehog will be with you, and help you get ready for school!

Clever Hedgehog’s friends asked him some questions about school.

You can become a Clever Hedgehog’s Pen Pal and write a letter to his email: storieswithcleverhedgehog@gmail.com and share your questions, a story, or a picture for a website.

Question 1: Why Should Children Go To School?

🏫 School is a place where you get to learn new things, make friends, and discover exciting adventures every day! In school, you learn how to read, write, count, think creatively, solve problems, share ideas, and work together with others. There are so many things you will learn in your school. New books 📚, friends, and teachers will be there to greet you! 

To answer this question, Clever Hedgehog will tell you one story about school 👇

Clever Hedgehog and His Expectations for School

Clever Hedgehog and His Expectations for School

Illustrations: Olga Zhestkova

In the forest where the animals lived, there had never been a school 🏫. But one day, a wise Owl from a faraway forest visited them and said, “It’s time to learn! I will teach you many things at school!” Hearing this, Clever Hedgehog was very happy. He had always dreamed of learning more about the world around him and becoming as wise as the Owl.

I want to learn to count acorns and mushrooms, so I’ll know how many I need for the winter,” thought Clever Hedgehog.

Clever Hedgehog and His Expectations for School

I want to learn the different languages of birds and animals, so I can communicate with all the animals,” Clever Hedgehog pondered.

Clever Hedgehog and His Expectations for School

I want to read all the forest fairy tales!” Clever Hedgehog continued to dream.

I want to help animals find their way through the forest using a map I drawn myself.

Now Clever Hedgehog was eagerly waiting for his first day of school to begin his exciting journey into the world of knowledge!

What about you, my little reader, WHAT ARE YOUR EXPECTATIONS FROM SCHOOL?

A school is where your imagination can take flight and your dreams can grow. Be excited, be curious, and get ready for a wonderful year of learning!

Question 2: What do you need to take to school?

Students usually don’t need a lot of things in school. You will need only special items in school. So what should we put in the school backpack?

Handy Checklist for Kids Getting Ready for School

1. Backpack 🎒: Make sure your backpack is clean, comfortable, and ready to use.

2. Notebooks and textbooks 📚: Pack all the necessary notebooks, tablets or laptops with chargers, textbooks, and additional materials for the first day.

3. Pencil Case ✏️: Ensure you have all the essential stationery: pencils and pens, colored pencils or markers, a pencil sharpener and an eraser, and a ruler.

4. Clothes and Shoes 👚: Prepare your school uniform or other clothing for school, along with comfortable shoes.

5. Water Bottle 🥤: It’s always a good idea to have a water bottle with you to stay hydrated.

6. Lunchbox 🍌: prepare a lunchbox with healthy snacks.

7. Face Mask 😷: If your school requires wearing masks, don’t forget to bring one.

8. Smile 😊: Don’t forget your smile and a positive attitude for the first day of school!

Question 3: How To Introduce Myself To The New Classmates?

On the first day of school, you’ll meet your new teacher and classmates. They’ll be excited to get to know you! Be ready to introduce yourself and share your name and something interesting about you. Maybe tell them your favorite hobby or what you like to do for fun. It’s a great chance to make new friends and start the year with a smile!

Tips for Telling New Classmates About Yourself

1. Be Brave: Remember, everyone is probably just as curious to know about you as you are about them.

2. Start Simple: Start by saying your name, what you like to do for fun, and maybe your favorite book or game.

3. Ask Questions: Show interest in your new friends by asking them about their hobbies or favorite subjects.

4. Smile: A friendly smile can make a great first impression and help you feel more comfortable.

Help your child adapt to the new environment in school - TIPS FOR PARENTS

Question 4: How to Get to School Safely?

1. Walk on the Sidewalk: Always use the sidewalk or pedestrian paths, and if there isn’t one, walk on the side facing traffic.

2. Cross Safely: Look left, right, and left again before crossing the street, and always use crosswalks or traffic signals.

3. Listen to Adults: Follow instructions from crossing guards or school staff.

4. Stay Visible: If it’s still dark in the morning, wear bright or reflective clothing so drivers can see you easily.

5. Stay Together: If possible, walk to school with a friend or a group of kids. There’s safety in numbers!

6. Never talk to strangers on your way to school.

Help your child adapt to the new environment in school - TIPS FOR PARENTS

Can you guess these riddles about school?  

I am a place where you can learn and grow,
I am a place where knowledge starts to flow.
I have many rooms and many halls,
And many students hear my calls.
What am I?

Check your answer


I am small and I am usually white. 
You can take away your pencil mark with me.
I am ...........

Check your answer

An eraser

You see me in a classroom.  
You can sit by me.
You can write on me.
I am ........

Check your answer

A desk


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First day of school Coloring page for kids, Clever Hedgehog in school
First day of school Coloring page for kids, Clever Hedgehog in school
Clever hedgehog's BOOKMARKS
Little Library Collection Box

This project may require adult’s assistance

Can You Solve This Jigsaw Puzzle?

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TAGS: school readiness, get ready for school, starting a kindergarten, 1 grade, kindergarten, back to school, introduce yourself to classmates, why children go to school, pen pals, school supplies

Independence Day of Ukraine. The meaning of Motherland for kids

Independence Day Ukraine

Celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day with Clever Hedgehog

This year on August 24, 2024, Ukraine celebrates its 33rd Independence Day!

Clever Hedgehog wants to share some fun activities, a new book ‘Sunflowers and Bandura: About Symbols of Ukraine’ for children, and interesting facts about Ukraine and its Independence Day with you!

Clever Hedgehog believes that one day soon, we will celebrate this special day together in a happy and peaceful Ukraine!

The meaning of Motherland?

Motherland or Homeland is the place where you were born and grew up. It’s where your family and friends live, and where you have lots of happy memories. Motherland is also about your language, culture, and the traditions you share with others. It’s the place where you feel safe, happy, and truly at home.

It is interesting that in some countries the word “Fatherland” is used instead of “Motherland”, but both have the meaning of the “parents’ land”, it is the native (parental) land, parental heritage. Love for the Motherland begins with love for parents.

Loving the Motherland means appreciating and protecting everything related to it, and trying to make it even better for all the people who live here.

Read what the pictures tell us

I love Ukraine

Think about whether a person can have two or more homelands.

How old is Ukraine?

Ukraine is a very old country. Its history began when the state of Kyivan Rus’ started, which became the biggest and strongest state in Europe. However, modern Ukraine became independent only 33 years ago, on August 24, 1991.

What is Independence Day?

Independence Day is like a big birthday party for the country! On this day, people remember the time when their country started to take care of itself without anyone else telling them what to do. There are usually parades, fireworks, and lots of fun activities to show how proud everyone is of their country. It’s a day for a country to celebrate freedom and being able to live the way you want.

The history of Kyiv begins with its founding year as 482, but the city may date back at least 2,000 years earlier.

History of Kyiv

Fun facts about Ukraine and its Independence Day

Clever Hedgehog has some interesting facts about this day. Let’s read some together!

1. The Independence Day of Ukraine was celebrated for the first time on July 16, 1991. The date was later moved to August 24.

2. A draft of the Act on the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine was written in a regular school notebook.

3. The text of the Act consisted of 93 words, was typed on a typewriter, and fit on one piece of paper.

More facts on the Independence Day of Ukraine
More facts on Ukraine

Your Bonus Gift – Printables for Kids

Symbols of Ukraine

When a country becomes independent, it introduces new national symbols that represent its individuality. Ukraine has special state symbols as well:

Flag: The Ukrainian flag is blue and yellow. The blue represents the sky, and the yellow represents the fields of wheat.

Coat of Arms: The Ukrainian coat of arms is called the Tryzub, which means “trident.” It’s a special symbol that shows strong and rich Ukrainian history.

Anthem: The national anthem of Ukraine is called “Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy ni slava ni volya” (“Ще не вмерла України ні слава, ні воля”) which means “Ukraine’s glory and freedom have not yet perished.” Listen >>>

What is incredible about my Ukraine?

How to draw a Ukrainian trident

The trident is an ancient symbol, pictures of it can be found across ancient Ukrainian lands. Its segments form the word «liberty» (воля).

Try to draw a trident like the one in the picture.

Як намалювати тризуб


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Let’s Play

Clever Hedgehog made up a quiz about Ukrainian Independence Day. Let’s see what you remember!

1. What colors are on the Ukrainian flag?

2. Як називається український герб?

3. Bonus question for kids who read the book about symbols. What is the most delicious symbol of Ukraine?

Check your answers

  1. b
  2. b
  3. a

Look at the pictures. Can you find 10 differences?

Check your answers

The color of a cow, stork, tractor, fence, birds, swallow, ladybug, daisy, trees, barn

Let’s Draw Something Nice

Independence Day Ukraine coloring page for kids
Coloring page for kids, Stories with Clever Hedgehog

How to draw the coat of arms of Ukraine

How to draw National Flag of Ukraine

Let’s Sing Ukrainian Songs

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Tags: I explore the world, Motherland, Independence Day of Ukraine, about Ukraine’s Independence Day for children, what is the motherland, symbols of Ukraine,

Clever Hedgehog At The Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Clever Hedgehog olympic games Paris 2024

Clever Hedgehog’s Report on Olympic Games for Kids

Clever Hedgehog has visited the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, and he wants to tell you all about them!

The Olympic Games are a series of big sports events that happen every four years. Athletes from all over the world come together to compete in different sports like running 🏃‍♀️, swimming 🏊‍♀️, gymnastics 🤸‍♀️, and more. Athletes train for years to compete, and winning a medal 🏅 at the Olympics is one of the highest honors in sports.

History of the Olympic Games

The Olympics have been around for a very long time. The first recorded Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece in 776 BC in the city of Olympia. These early games featured primarily foot races 🏃‍♀️. The ancient Olympics continued for nearly 1,200 years.

The modern Olympic Games, inspired by the ancient tradition, were revived in 1896 in Athens, Greece. This event marked the beginning of the Olympic Games as we know them today.

The five Olympic rings – blue, yellow, black, green, and red – are the emblem of the Olympic Games. Did you know that these rings represent the five regions of the world – Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania?

Learn more about Olympic rings in the video 👉👉👉

What Do The Olympic Rings Mean?

Trace and color Olympic rings 🎁

Summer and Winter Olympics

The Olympic Games are divided into the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. They feature different types of sports based on the season.

Summer Olympics

The Summer Olympics are held in the summer. They include sports that are best played in warm weather or indoors, like swimming, running, basketball, gymnastics, soccer, and many more. 

Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympics take place when it’s cold and snowy. They feature sports that are played on snow or ice, like skiing, ice skating, snowboarding, ice hockey, and many more.

The Team Ukraine 2024 OLYMPIC GAMES Results

The 2024 Summer Olympics, held this year in Paris, welcomed athletes from 206 countries. The United States sent the largest team of 596 athletes to compete in various sports. Ukraine participated with 156 athletes.

As for the medal count, the United States performed very well, winning 104 medals: 30 gold, 38 silver, and 36 bronze. Ukraine won 12 medals: 3 gold, 5 silver, and 4 bronze. 

Clever Hedgehog cheered for every Ukrainian athlete. Believe it or not, Clever Hedgehog likes to jump high, that’s why he especially cheered for Yaroslava Mahuchikh who won a Gold medal in the high jump.

Women's High Jump

Hooray to the Team Ukraine! 

Women's High Jump Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH

Women’s High Jump |

mms.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Women's High Jump Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH

Women’s High Jump | Iryna GERASHCHENKO

Erik van Leeuwen, GFDL, via Wikimedia Commons

Women's High Jump Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH

Women’s Sabre Individual |

Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY 3.0

Women's High Jump Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH

Women’s Sabre Team  | Olga Kharlan, Alina Komashchuk, Yuliia Bakastova and Olena Kravatska

Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY 3.0

Women's High Jump Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH

Men’s Parallel Bars |

Martin RulschWikimedia CommonsCC BY-SA 4.0

Women's High Jump Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH

Shooting 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men |

mms.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons


Men’s Hammer Throw |
Mykhaylo KOKHAN

mms.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Women's High Jump Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH

Men’s Boxing 80kg |

mms.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Women's High Jump Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH

Men’s Greco-Roman Wrestling 67kg |

sport.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Women's Freestyle Wrestling 62kg | Iryna KOLIADENKO

Women’s Freestyle Wrestling 62kg | Iryna KOLIADENKO

President.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons,

Women's High Jump Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH

Men’s Greco-Roman Wrestling 87kg |

mms.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Women's High Jump Yaroslava MAHUCHIKH

Women’s Canoe Double 500m |
Liudmyla Luzan and Anastasiia Rybachok

sport.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Olympic Games Quiz 🏅

How much do you know about the Olympic Games? Take this fun quiz to find out!

1. What Olympic Games do not exist?:

2. Where were the first Olympic Games held?

3. How many medals did the Ukrainian Olympic Team win this year?

4. How many rings are there on the Olympic Games emblem?

Check your answers

  1. b
  2. b
  3. a
  4. c

Can You Solve This Jigsaw Puzzle?


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TAGS: Olympic Games for kids, Olympic rings, Olympic Games history for kids, Olympic team Ukraine, Ukrainian Olympic team

Clever Hedgehog turns one year old!

Happy Birthday, Clever Hedgehog!

On July 1st, our Clever Hedgehog is celebrating its first birthday. This year was exciting, and we are so happy you have been with us!

Clever Hedgehog’s website is where Ukrainian families with children can find interesting stories, educational games, and fun activities.

We hope you will visit Clever Hedgehog often and tell your friends about us.

Parents' Picks Awards 2024 to Clever Hedgehog
Write a wish to Clever Hedgehog

Leave a birthday wish to Clever Hedgehog!

We have created the form where you can leave your wishes for Clever Hedgehog. Type your wish in the form below, and it will appear on our website shortly.

Write a birthday message to Clever Hedgehog 🎁

Find a surprise for you below – Clever Hedgehog’s jigsaw puzzle 👇👇👇 Keep scrolling! 👇👇👇


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Can You Solve This Jigsaw Puzzle?

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Clever Hedgehog on International Children’s Day – June 1

Today is the first day of summer!

June 1 is also International Children’s Day, a day that aims to show how important it is to protect kids from harm and make their lives better everywhere in the world.

As of 2024, there are approximately 2.2 billion children in the world. Unfortunately, not all kids have safe, healthy, and happy lives. Some even have no food to eat, not saying toys or books! About 2 million Ukrainian children have had to flee their homes due to war since February 2022. Many Ukrainian families still live in different parts of the world, while others are staying in Ukraine. 

Clever Hedgehog hopes all kids will be safe and happy, no matter what. Keep dreaming big and never stop being curious and kind!


New Entertaining Short Stories in Ukrainian for Children

Синичка - Василь Горбатюк - оповідання для дітей
Ласощі для білочки - Василь Горбатюк - оповідання для дітей
не хочу-хочу Василь Горбатюк
Образа - Василь Горбатюк - оповідання для дітей

Embark on exciting adventures

This week, Clever Hedgehog is traveling to Hong Kong! His flight is 14 hours… Hope he can make it!

Clever Hedgehog loves travelling!

What about you? Does your family have plans to travel this summer?

Take Clever Hedgehog with you. Use this cut-out to get your own traveling Clever Hedgehog picture.

Traveling Clever Hedgehog Cut-Out

Imagine your summer with new coloring pages and crafts

Coloring page for kids, Stories with Clever Hedgehog
Coloring page for kids, Stories with Clever Hedgehog
build your ice cream cut out

See All Coloring Pages >>>

See All Crafts projects >>>

See All Printable Activities>>>

Learn New Games

See all Games here >>>

Active Game “What Time is it Mr. Fox?” 

Read how to play “What Time is it Mr. Fox?”:

“What Time is it, Mr. or Mrs. Fox?” is basically a game of tag for 3 or more people that involves less running and adds counting practice. An adult should start as Mr. Fox (you can put kids in charge once they get the hang of it) and organize everyone to stand side-by-side in a line.

Players yell out “What Time is it Mr. Fox (Mrs. Fox)?” and Mr. Fox (Mrs. Fox) yells out a time, e.g. “It’s 7 o’clock!” and the kids take that many steps forward.

The kids must continue to take steps forward based on the time called out even if it means they are super close to Mr. or Mrs. Fox.

This continues until Mr. Fox calls out “Lunch time!!” and the kids try to race back to the start line without getting tagged by Mr. Fox. Got tagged? That person is the next Mr. Fox.

Hand Clapping Game 👏 “Double Double This That”

Read how to play “Double Double This That”:

All you need is a partner.

So once you’ve found your partner, sit down, facing them.

All you need to know is three motions: The first one is “double” – you clap both hands.

The second one is “this” – you face your partner and hit their palms.

The third one is “that” – with the back of your hand you’re going to hit the back of your partner’s hands.

So it’s going to be: Next time try it a little faster. Then try really fast.

Double, double, this, this  
Double, double, this, this
Double, this, double, that
Double, double, this, that

Next time try it a little faster.

Then try really fast.

Game “Funny Script”

This is a “paper telephone game’ variation

Let’s Read A Book “Here Comes Summer”

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Read more books from Clever Hedgehog’s Library >>>

Tell Clever Hedgehog what your favorite thing is about being a kid!

Have your parent nearby and email us at storieswithcleverhedgehog@gmail.com with what your favorite thing about being a kid. You may be featured on Clever Hedgehog’s website!

Download Clever Hedgehog’s Fun Screen-free Printable Activities >>>

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World Vyshyvanka Day


World Vyshyvanka Day

Hey, kids! Did you know about World Vyshyvanka Day?

May 16 is a special day when Ukrainians around the world celebrate traditional Ukrainian embroidered shirts called “vyshyvankas“! On this day, we wear our beautiful vyshyvankas to honor our culture and heritage. It’s a day filled with colors, patterns, and lots of fun activities to learn more about Ukrainian traditions!

Clever Hedgehog congratulates you on World Vyshyvanka Day!

Let’s learn more about Vyshyvanka

Vyshyvankas, like pysankas (traditional Ukrainian Easter eggs), are two of the most well-known symbols of Ukrainian culture. From old times people used embroidery to encode their “destiny, dreams, and happiness” in the national dress.

This holiday is not tied to any religion and is not a public holiday. It is celebrated to emphasize Ukrainian culture in the everyday life of Ukrainians.

Did you know when this holiday came to exist?
❗The idea arose from students and teachers from Chernivtsi National University in 2006.

Crafts for Vyshyvanka Day

Coloring page for kids, Stories with Clever Hedgehog

Ukrainian girl

Decorate a vyshyvanka

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