Games by age:

Collect all the flowers to win a surprise gift. Click on the flower to read the contest rules

Games for Kids 0-2 Years

Open, Shut Them

This musical game is wonderful for exploring and reviewing opposites. Kids will learn a new set of opposite pairs, gestures, and facial expressions.

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

This classic children’s song is a great activity for little kids. Kids will learn parts-of-the-body vocabulary and have fun.

The Wheels on the Bus

1 or more people

It’s the classic kids song, “The Wheels On The Bus”. Children will pretend to ride in a bus along with a friendly bus driver and all of the passengers as the wheels go round and round!

If You’re Happy 

1 or more people

This classical kids’ activity focuses on emotions vocabulary and body language. Young learners can explore different emotions and learn how to express themselves.

One Little Finger

1 or more people

This simple song focuses on body-part vocabulary and encourages children to follow along and move to the beat.

Baby shark

1 or more people

This popular children’s song has fun movements that focus on family vocabulary.

Games for Kids 3-5 Years

Brain Break Activity “Move and Freeze”

Brain Break Activity “Red Light, Green Light”

Mother May I?

3 or more people

Red Rover?

6 or more people

What Time is it Mr. Fox? 

3 or more people

If you’re sick of playing tag, but your kids aren’t, might we suggest “What Time is it, Mr. or Mrs. Fox?”. It’s basically a game of tag that involves less running and adds counting practice. An adult should start as Mr. Fox (you can put kids in charge once they get the hang of it) and organize everyone to stand side-by-side in a line.

Players yell out “What Time is it Mr. Fox (Mrs. Fox)?” and Mr. Fox (Mrs. Fox) yells out a time, e.g. “It’s 7 o’clock!” and the kids take that many steps forward.

The kids must continue to take steps forward based on the time called out even if it means they are super close to Mr. or Mrs. Fox.

This continues until Mr. Fox calls out “Lunch time!!” and the kids try to race back to the start line without getting tagged by Mr. Fox. Got tagged? That person is the next Mr. F

Duck, Duck, Goose!

4 or more people

All but one of the players sit in a circle facing the center. A player who does not sit in a circle is called a Goose.

The Goose walks in a circle and touches the head of each player with their hand, while saying the word “duck”.

At any moment, the Goose can touch the next player’s head and say the word “goose” instead of “duck”.

At the same time, the one who was just called a “goose” gets up and runs after the old Goose. The old Goose has to run around the circle so that the new goose does not tag them and takes their place in the circle.

If the new goose tags the old one before they ran around the circle and took an empty seat, the new goose sits in its former place, and the old Goose continues the game. If the new “goose” has not caught up with the old Goose, the new “goose” leads.

Games for Kids 6-8 Years

Simon Says

2 or more people

Capture the Flag

6 or more people, “flags” (or some other items you hide) are needed


4 or more people, softball needed

Kick the Can

3 or more people, can or bucket needed


2 or more people

Hide and Go Seek

2 or more people

At the bottom of the sea

At the bottom of the sea
All the fish are swimming
Here and there and everywhere
Oh, (name of the kid 2 times), we love you!

How to Play Ghost in the Graveyard – Tag game

Games for Kids 9-10 Years

TV Tag 

4 or more people

Relay Race

10 or more people, 2 balls needed

Hospital Tag

5 or more people, a ball for each player is needed

Follow The Leader

5 or more people

Playground Olympics

4 or more people

Playground Games 

10 or more people, 2 balls needed

Other Games for Kids 6-10 Years

Sticks | Classic finger game 👉👈

 Tic Tac Toe

Rock, Paper, Scissors | Hand game 👉

Rock, paper, scissors, shoot (or 1,2,3)!

1. The Rock wins against Scissors as it breaks them, loses to Paper as it gets wrapped up, and stalemates against itself. 2. The paper wins against Rock as it wraps it, loses to Scissors as it gets cut, and stalemates against itself. 3. The scissors wins against Paper as it cuts it, loses to Rock as it gets smashed, and stalemates against itself. The first player to reach the set number of points is declared as the winner of the round. The player who wins 2 out of 3 matches is considered as the overall winner.

Miss Mary Mack | Hand Clapping Game 👏

Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack
All dressed in black, black, black
With silver buttons, buttons, buttons
Up and down her back, back, back.

She asked her mother, mother, mother
For fifty cents, cents, cents,
To see the elephants, elephants, elephants,
Jump the fence, fence, fence.

They jumped so high, high, high,
They touched the sky, sky, sky,
And they never came back, back, back,
To the Fourth of July-ly-ly.

A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea | Hand Clapping Game 👏

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea  
To see what she could see, see, see
But all that she could see, see, see
Was the bottom of the big blue sea, sea, sea

Double Double This That | Hand Clapping Game 👏

Double, double, this, this  
Double, double, this, this
Double, this, double, that
Double, double, this, that