We Invite You To Participate In Our Study

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Sesame Workshop and APA: Helping Young Children Cope with Emotional Distress

You’re invited to the webinar: “Helping Young Children Cope with Emotional Distress” featuring the American Psychological Association and Sesame Workshop

Learn more and register>>>

July 18, 2024, 1:00 pm EST (US and Canada )

A safe, engaging, digital space for Ukrainian children and their parents to read books, play games, have fun, and much more!

Go to Clever Hedgehog’s Library

What Do You Want To Do Today?

Read Stories

Learn New Things

Watch videos

Coloring Pages

Sing songs

Print out Fun Activities

Do Crafts

Learn New Games

Click on Clever Hedgehog and he will say Hello! 

Meet Clever Hedgehog

Stories with Clever Hedgehog is a safe, engaging digital space for children from birth to 10 years of age with kid-friendly, free-to-use activities in Ukrainian and English, curated by the developmental specialist. 

This website allows you to read or listen to ebooks, learn fun facts and childish news, be creative with free coloring pagescrafts projects, and PDF activity materials for extracurricular activities, participate in funny contests, learn games to play with family and friends, and many more activities to explore.

We hope you will visit Clever Hedgehog often and tell your friends about us. 

Go to Clever Hedgehog’s Library

Can You Solve This Jigsaw Puzzle

📸 Фотоконкурс від Їжачка-Розумничка! 📸

А ви готові привітати найціннішу людину у світі – свою маму? Як взяти участь >>>

Meet Clever Hedgehog!

Click on him and he will say Hello! 

Meet Clever Hedgehog! Click on him and he will say hello!
Hedgehog reading a book

Весняні пісні

Весняний хоровод

Новинка! Гаївка “Подоляночка”

Пісні про тварин


Зустріч з їжаком 🦔

Черепаха Аха


Пісні про сімʼю

Ти ж моя ластівка (Пісня про маму)

Пісня для татуся


Мій дідусь

Бабусина вишиванка

Пісні про школу

Пісня про вчительку

Букварі і читанки

Пісні про Україну


Гуцулка Ксеня

Ой у лузі червона калина 

Я малюю синє небо (Пісня про Україну)

Різдвяні і новорічні пісні, колядки та щедрівки


Добрий вечір тобі (колядка)

Нова радість стала (колядка)

Дінь дінь дон (Jingle Bells)

Колядують діти

У лісі, лісі темному

Ой сивая та і зозуленька (щедрівка)

Бог ся рождає (колядка)

Ой чи є, чи нема пан господар вдома (щедрівка)

Миколай, Миколай ти до нас завітай

Прилетіли ангелята  (колядка)

Українські колискові

Сонце сідає, ніч наступає

Спи, моя радість, засни

Зірко, Зіронько, Світи


Ой, спи, дитя, без сповиття

Ой, спи, дитя

Котику сіренький

Гойда, гойда-гой, ніченька іде

Ой, повішу колисочку

Колискова №9

Have More Questions?

Contact us directly by email and we will get back to you shortly!


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Share our flyer with somebody who would be interested in participating

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Spring Scavenger Hunt with Clever Hedgehog

Help Clever Hedgehog find the flowers blooming on different pages of his website. Once you find them all, tell Clever Hedgehog and win a prize! Read more >>>


Допоможіть нам покращити наш веб-сайт. Заповніть коротку форму-відгук >>>

Збирай весняний букет з Їжачком-Розумничком

Допоможи Їжачку-Розумничку зібрати всі квіти, які зацвіли на сторінках цього сайту. Як знайдеш їх усі, розкажи Їжачку-Розумничку і виграй приз! Детальніше >>>

A safe, engaging, digital space for Ukrainian children and their parents to read books, play games, have fun, and much more!

Go to Clever Hedgehog’s Library

Welcome to Stories with Clever Hedgehog!

In solidarity with all Ukrainian families, we created this website with a wide selection of children’s ebooks and entertainment to help parents reduce children’s stress in these unprecedented times.

Everything is totally free and is available in Ukrainian and in English!

Pick out an ebook to read, music to listen to or sing along, learn interesting facts, draw pictures and get creative, play new games with family or friends, follow our contests and much more!

Immerse your children in Stories with Clever Hedgehog and help them learn while having fun! 


Sesame Street

Fun Facts

Art & Music

News for Kids



Sesame Street

Fun Facts

Sesame Street

Art & Music


Meet Clever Hedgehog!

Click on him and he will say hello! 

fun activities for kids, free books
Meet Clever Hedgehog! Click on him and he will say hello!
Festive Hedgehog
З Днем Святого Валентина

Святкуй День Валентина з Їжачком-Розумничком! Перегляньте нашу святкову публікацію >>>


Допоможіть нам покращити наш веб-сайт. Заповніть коротку форму-відгук >>>

Parents: we want to hear from you

Help us improve our website. Fill our short Feedback Form >>>

Stories with Clever Hedgehog

Clever Hedgehog and his friends on Sesame Street invite you to play and learn!

Since February 2022, Sesame Workshop has been creating a growing number of Ukrainian language videos. Families resettling after conflict and coping with big challenges can use these resources for support.

Join Clever Hedgehog’s Sesame Friends to Watch, Play, and Learn

Sesame street materials for kids
To the Sesame Street Collection
Happy Valentine’s Day

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Clever Hedgehog! Check this special post >>>

More to Explore

Webinar “Introducing Clever Hedgehog”

We are happy to announce that Stories with Clever Hedgehog has launched!

Learn more
How to Talk With Kids About Tragedies

Organizations Helping Ukrainian Families

Find the list of Agencies and Organizations that provide help to Ukrainian families.

Learn more
Stories with Clever Hedgehog

Why Read With Your Child?

Reading to your kids just a few minutes a day can have a magical effect on you and your child!

Learn more

July 18, 2024, 1:00 pm EST (US and Canada )

You’re invited to the webinar: “Helping Young Children Cope with Emotional Distress” featuring the American Psychological Association and Sesame Workshop

Learn more and register>>>

Sesame Workshop and APA: Helping Young Children Cope with Emotional Distress

You’re invited to the webinar: “Healing Little Hearts – Helping Young Children to Navigate Grief” featuring American Psychological Association and Sesame Workshop

January 31, 2024, 1:00 pm EST (US and Canada )

Learn more and register

Title for this Section

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu consectetur mauris. Nunc ornare dignissim sagittis. Donec mattis lorem a porta vestibulum.

swallow nest

Blog Post 2

Збирай весняний букет з Їжачком-Розумничком” aria-hidden=”true” tabindex=”-1″>

Blog Post 3

Discover Our Podcasts:

Ukrainian Lessons Podcast


Everything kids should know about solar eclipses >>>



